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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
(ES) La intervención Asistida con Animales (IAA) aplicada a los ámbitos terapéuticos, educativos y de la
intervención social ha alcanzado un gran auge en los últimos años como estrategia de intervención
complementaria a las prácticas tradicionales. El objetivo de este estudio descriptivo fue analizar el
conocimiento y las actitudes hacia la IAA por parte del personal docente de Educación Especial (Pedagogía
Terapéutica y Audición y Lenguaje) en las diferentes etapas educativas (Educación Infantil, Educación
Primaria, Educación Secundaria y Educación Especial) y en diferentes zonas geográficas de España.
Participaron en el estudio un total de 103 docentes (74,76% mujeres, y el 25,24% hombres). A través del
formulario online “Google Forms” se recabó información sobre su grado de conocimiento y predisposición
al uso de la IAA, así como su experiencia previa con animales, y las actitudes hacia ellos.
(EN) Animal Assisted Intervention (AAI) applied to therapeutic, educational and social intervention fields has reached a great increase in recent years as a complementary intervention strategy to traditional practices. The aim of this descriptive study was to analyze the knowledge and attitudes towards AAI of the teaching staff of Special Needs Education (Therapeutic Pedagogy and Hearing and Language) in different educational stages (Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Secondary Education and Special Education) and in different geographical areas of Spain. A total of 103 teachers (74.76% women and 25.24% men) participated in the study. The online form “Google Forms” was used to collect information on their degree of knowledge and predisposition to the use of AAI, as well as their previous experience with animals and attitudes towards them.
(EN) Animal Assisted Intervention (AAI) applied to therapeutic, educational and social intervention fields has reached a great increase in recent years as a complementary intervention strategy to traditional practices. The aim of this descriptive study was to analyze the knowledge and attitudes towards AAI of the teaching staff of Special Needs Education (Therapeutic Pedagogy and Hearing and Language) in different educational stages (Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Secondary Education and Special Education) and in different geographical areas of Spain. A total of 103 teachers (74.76% women and 25.24% men) participated in the study. The online form “Google Forms” was used to collect information on their degree of knowledge and predisposition to the use of AAI, as well as their previous experience with animals and attitudes towards them.