Consecuencias del desempleo
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] El objetivo principal de este Trabajo Fin de Máster (TFM) implica desarrollar una investigación acerca de las consecuencias
psicológicas, sociales y fisiológicas que entraña el desempleo en nuestra sociedad, ya que dicho concepto implica aspectos no
solo económicos, sino también psicosociales. Se analiza dichas consecuencias con la finalidad de que el alumnado conozca la
repercusión de vivir esta situación como método de concienciación y prevención ante la búsqueda de empleo. En la segunda
parte del trabajo, se procederá a la presentación de la Programación Didáctica elaborada para desarrollar la unidad didáctica
“Orientación en la búsqueda activa de empleo”, encuadrada en el módulo de Formación y Orientación Laboral (FOL). Dicha
unidad se impartirá en el primer curso del Ciclo Formativo de Técnico Superior de Integración Social, aplicando el marco
teórico descrito en la investigación.
[EN] The main objective of this Master’s Thesis involves developing research on the psychological, social and physiological consequences of unemployment in our society, since this concept involves not only economic aspects, but also psychosocial ones. These consequences are analyzed in order for students to know the repercussions of experiencing this situation as a method of awareness and prevetion in the search of employment. In the second part of the work, we will proceed to the presentation of the Didactic Programming elaborated to develop the didactic unit “Guidance in the active search for employment”, framed in the Training and Labor Orientation module. This unit will be taught in the first year of the Higher Technician Training Cycle of Social Integration, applying the theoretical framework described in the research.
[EN] The main objective of this Master’s Thesis involves developing research on the psychological, social and physiological consequences of unemployment in our society, since this concept involves not only economic aspects, but also psychosocial ones. These consequences are analyzed in order for students to know the repercussions of experiencing this situation as a method of awareness and prevetion in the search of employment. In the second part of the work, we will proceed to the presentation of the Didactic Programming elaborated to develop the didactic unit “Guidance in the active search for employment”, framed in the Training and Labor Orientation module. This unit will be taught in the first year of the Higher Technician Training Cycle of Social Integration, applying the theoretical framework described in the research.