Mujeres Artistas en Colecciones Contemporáneas
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
En este Trabajo Fin de Grado partimos de los estudios realizados sobre mujeres artistas y los inicios de las investigaciones en la Historia del Arte. Reseñamos sintéticamente su presencia desde la Edad Media al siglo XX. Indagamos a las artistas jiennenses en la colección de arte contemporáneo de la Diputación Provincial de Jaén, y la dedicada únicamente a creadoras actuales del Instituto Andaluz de la Mujer.
In this End of Degree Work we start of the studies done about artists women and the beginnings of the investigation in Historie of Art. We review shortly the presence of artists women from Middle Age to the twentieth century. We look for the artists women from Jaen in contemporany art collecting of the City Council of Jaen, and the one devoted exclusively to current creative of the Andalusian Institute ofWomen.
In this End of Degree Work we start of the studies done about artists women and the beginnings of the investigation in Historie of Art. We review shortly the presence of artists women from Middle Age to the twentieth century. We look for the artists women from Jaen in contemporany art collecting of the City Council of Jaen, and the one devoted exclusively to current creative of the Andalusian Institute ofWomen.