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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] El propósito de este Trabajo de Fin de Máster es diseñar una propuesta didáctica
realizada de manera auténtica para ser aplicada por profesores de inglés del sistema
educativo español, que pretende potenciar el uso y el desarrollo de la expresión oral y
la competencia comunicativa de los estudiantes de 4º curso de Educación Secundaria
Obligatoria. Para ello, primero se va a hacer una revisión bibliográfica sobre la
importancia de las destrezas orales en el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa. La
destreza oral suele ser una de las habilidades más retadoras cuando se habla de la
adquisición de una lengua extranjera, en este caso del inglés. Existen diferentes
estrategias que motivan a los estudiantes para que se sientan más seguros y confiados
a la hora de hablar en público en un idioma extranjero. Uno de los objetivos principales
es ayudar a que los estudiantes adquieran la lengua inglesa, la creatividad y el
pensamiento crítico junto a varias habilidades comunicativas orales.
Por otro lado, a partir de la teoría obtenida en la primera parte del trabajo, se van a
trazar los contenidos que se incluyen en la programación de una unidad didáctica de
inglés para trabajar las habilidades orales. Esta propuesta consta de siete sesiones que
van a proporcionar al alumnado las herramientas necesarias para conseguir los objetivos
didácticos propuestos.
Palabras clave: competencia comunicativa, role play, interactuar, hablar, estudiantes.
[EN] The purpose of this Master’s Dissertation is to design a didactic proposal carried out in an authentic way to be applied by English teachers of the Spanish Educational System, which aims to promote the use and development of oral expression and communicative competence of 4th year of Compulsory Secondary Education students. To do this, firstly, a bibliographic review will be made on the importance of oral skills in the development of communicative competence. Oral skills is usually one of the most challenging abilities when it comes to acquiring a foreign language, in this case English. There are different strategies that motivate learners to feel more confident and positive when speaking in public in a foreign language. One of the main objectives is to help students acquire the English language, creativity and critical thinking along with several oral communicative skills. Besides that, from the theory collected in the first part of this document, the contents that are included in the programming of an English didactic unit to work on oral skills will be outlined. This proposal has seven sessions that will provide students the essential tools to achieve the proposed didactic objectives. Keywords: communicative competence, role play, oral skills, interact, speak, students.
[EN] The purpose of this Master’s Dissertation is to design a didactic proposal carried out in an authentic way to be applied by English teachers of the Spanish Educational System, which aims to promote the use and development of oral expression and communicative competence of 4th year of Compulsory Secondary Education students. To do this, firstly, a bibliographic review will be made on the importance of oral skills in the development of communicative competence. Oral skills is usually one of the most challenging abilities when it comes to acquiring a foreign language, in this case English. There are different strategies that motivate learners to feel more confident and positive when speaking in public in a foreign language. One of the main objectives is to help students acquire the English language, creativity and critical thinking along with several oral communicative skills. Besides that, from the theory collected in the first part of this document, the contents that are included in the programming of an English didactic unit to work on oral skills will be outlined. This proposal has seven sessions that will provide students the essential tools to achieve the proposed didactic objectives. Keywords: communicative competence, role play, oral skills, interact, speak, students.