Características y evolución del voluntariado de acción social en España
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] En el presente trabajo fin de grado se centra en un tema muy estrechamente vinculado al Trabajo Social, desde el punto de vista teórico y de la práctica profesional. Por lo tanto, vamos a conocer mediante una revisión bibliográfica algunos de los principales aspectos y características del Voluntariado de Acción Social en España.
Para ello hemos utilizado los datos de fuentes secundarias como son los distintos estudios e investigaciones que se han realizado a través de encuestas a las distintas organizaciones de España, que a nuestro entender, proporcionan una visión muy aproximada y fiable de la realidad del Voluntariado de Acción Social.
Este tipo de Voluntariado es un medio muy importante para movilizar la participación ciudadana y en la actualidad se están desarrollando nuevas formas de Voluntariado debido al avance de las tecnologías, por lo que pretendemos destacar la importante labor del Trabajo Social dentro de este Voluntariado de Acción Social de la actualidad.
[EN] This final project is focused on a topic which has a closely relation to Social Work, as from the theoretical point of view and from the professional practice. Therefore, through a bibliography review we will know some of the main aspects and features of Voluntary social action in Spain. For that, we have used several secondary sources as the different studies and research that have been carried out through surveys to the different organizations in Spain, that for us, they promote an approximate and reliable view of the Voluntary social action. This kind of Voluntary organization is an approach very relevant in order to promote the population participation and currently, it is being developed new ways of voluntaries due to the advance of technologies, so we pretend to stand out the importance of the Social work inside the Voluntary social action.
[EN] This final project is focused on a topic which has a closely relation to Social Work, as from the theoretical point of view and from the professional practice. Therefore, through a bibliography review we will know some of the main aspects and features of Voluntary social action in Spain. For that, we have used several secondary sources as the different studies and research that have been carried out through surveys to the different organizations in Spain, that for us, they promote an approximate and reliable view of the Voluntary social action. This kind of Voluntary organization is an approach very relevant in order to promote the population participation and currently, it is being developed new ways of voluntaries due to the advance of technologies, so we pretend to stand out the importance of the Social work inside the Voluntary social action.