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Los avances en investigación y empresa en el campo de la genética se han visto acelerados en los últimos 60 años desde el descubrimiento de la estructura del ADN, convirtiendo esta rama de la biología en uno de los puntuales de la Ciencia de finales del siglo XX y principios del XXI, como en el siglo XVIII lo fue la astrofísica newtoniana. He centrado el bloque epistemológico del presente Trabajo Fin de Máster en este hito de la Historia de la Ciencia por su proximidad con el tiempo, implicaciones Ciencia-Tecnología-Sociedad (transgénicos, células madre, clonación…) y valor epistémico y didáctico de la historia del descubrimiento recogido en el libro “La doble hélice”, escrito por uno de sus descubridores (Watson, 1953). Esta ‘ciencia del mundo contemporáneo’ de 1º de Bachillerato potenciando metodologías de enseñanza-aprendizaje que buscan el protagonismo del alumnado en el proceso de enseñanza y con el reto de hacer una unidad didáctica flexible debido al diferente perfil del alumnado del aula procedentes de la rama de ciencias o de letras, trata de aproximar ‘las dos culturas’ (Snow, 1959) mitigando así la crisis contemporánea de interés para las ciencias.
Since 60 years ago, research and enterprise progress has been accelerated by the Discovery of DNA’s structure, it has made that the genetic could become one of the most important in Science in the late twentieth century and at the beginning of twenty-first century, like Newtonian astrophysics in the eighteenth century. The epistemological block of this Master’s Thesis is focused on this important succes in Science History for its links in the time, Science-Technology-Society's implications (GM, stem cells, cloning…) and its epistemic value and didactic historical value. This is covered in the book “The double hélix” written by Watson, one of the discoverers (1953). This ‘Science of the modern world treat to make a flexible learning because of this subject is common for all in bachelor's degree. It is based in protagonism by students in teaching-learning methodology. This methodology is an approximation between ‘the two cultures’ (Snow, 1959) to reduce the contemporary crisis of interest to sciences.
Since 60 years ago, research and enterprise progress has been accelerated by the Discovery of DNA’s structure, it has made that the genetic could become one of the most important in Science in the late twentieth century and at the beginning of twenty-first century, like Newtonian astrophysics in the eighteenth century. The epistemological block of this Master’s Thesis is focused on this important succes in Science History for its links in the time, Science-Technology-Society's implications (GM, stem cells, cloning…) and its epistemic value and didactic historical value. This is covered in the book “The double hélix” written by Watson, one of the discoverers (1953). This ‘Science of the modern world treat to make a flexible learning because of this subject is common for all in bachelor's degree. It is based in protagonism by students in teaching-learning methodology. This methodology is an approximation between ‘the two cultures’ (Snow, 1959) to reduce the contemporary crisis of interest to sciences.
Palabras clave
Biología y Geología