El método experiencial aplicado a la didáctica de la religión
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Con este trabajo trataremos de profundizar en el método experiencial aplicado a la didáctica de la religión. Después de una introducción abordaremos la explicación del método experiencial, así como su fundamentación teórica basada en distintos autores que apoyan este método como herramienta efectiva de enseñanza y aprendizaje. A continuación mostraremos en qué consiste este método aplicado a la didáctica de la religión, así como una propuesta didáctica realizada desde este particular método.
With this work we will try to deepen the experiential method applied to the teaching of religion. After an introduction will address the explanation of experiential method as well as its theoretical foundation based on different authors who support this method as an effective tool for teaching and learning. Then we show what this method applied to the teaching of religion as well as a didactic proposal made from this particular method.
With this work we will try to deepen the experiential method applied to the teaching of religion. After an introduction will address the explanation of experiential method as well as its theoretical foundation based on different authors who support this method as an effective tool for teaching and learning. Then we show what this method applied to the teaching of religion as well as a didactic proposal made from this particular method.