Enseñanza y aprendizaje del inglés a través del cuento en Educación Primaria
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Este trabajo fin de grado se centra en la presentación del cuento como modelo de enseñanza del inglés en el aula de Primaria, resaltando su importancia y características y priorizando su uso como recurso didáctico para despertar el interés del alumnado por el aprendizaje de una nueva lengua y un mayor acercamiento por la lectura.
Este estudio se compone de una parte teórica, donde estudiaremos el concepto acerca del cuento, el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera y su influencia en el aula de inglés. Por otra parte, presenta una parte práctica en la que se ha elaborado una unidad didáctica en torno al cuento, diseñada para los niños y niñas de primer ciclo y sobre todo del primer curso de Primaria. Se presenta un cuento trabajado previamente en su lengua materna durante su etapa de infantil y donde las diferentes actividades propuestas ayudarán a introducir nuevo vocabulario y desenvolverse mejor en una perspectiva comunicativa.
This work to grade center in presenting stories as teaching model of English in the primary classroom, highlighting the importance and characteristics that present the stories and giving priority to use the story as a teaching resource to arouse the interest of students for learning a new language and vocabulary acquisition of more of the same, and raising the motivation of these children by causing closer stories. The work consists of a theoretical part, where we will study the concept about the story, learning a foreign language and the influence of the story in the English classroom. On the other hand presents a practical part where it has developed a teaching unit in which the fundamental method of learning is the story. The teaching unit is designed for children of first cycle and especially the first grade. a previously worked in their mother tongue during their child and where different activities designed help introduce new vocabulary and perform better in a communicative perspective story is introduced.
This work to grade center in presenting stories as teaching model of English in the primary classroom, highlighting the importance and characteristics that present the stories and giving priority to use the story as a teaching resource to arouse the interest of students for learning a new language and vocabulary acquisition of more of the same, and raising the motivation of these children by causing closer stories. The work consists of a theoretical part, where we will study the concept about the story, learning a foreign language and the influence of the story in the English classroom. On the other hand presents a practical part where it has developed a teaching unit in which the fundamental method of learning is the story. The teaching unit is designed for children of first cycle and especially the first grade. a previously worked in their mother tongue during their child and where different activities designed help introduce new vocabulary and perform better in a communicative perspective story is introduced.
Palabras clave
Educación especial