El papel de la familia en la adquisición de valores y desarrollo infantil"
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
El objetivo principal de este Trabajo es principalmente el análisis teórico de la importancia que tiene la familia a lo largo del crecimiento del niño, consecución de los valores y desarrollo personal del mismo.
Se ha elaborado un marco teórico sobre todo lo referido a la educación en valores, recordando la importancia que tienen para el ser humano desde edades tempranas que abarcan la etapa de Educación Infantil, y es que resulta imprescindible promover la educación en valores para formar personas capaces de interactuar en la sociedad y alcanzar sus metas.
En este Trabajo se hace hincapié en la participación familiar en el centro, a través de la Propuesta didáctica dirigida a la Escuela de Padres. Las actividades propuestas están destinadas a favorecer valores personales y sociales, tales como la responsabilidad, la generosidad, la alegría, la empatía y la autoestima.
The principal aim of this work is principally the theoretical analysis of the importance that has the family along the growth of the child, attainment of the values and personal development of the same one. A theoretical frame has been elaborated especially recounted to the education in values, remembering the importance that they have for the human being from early ages that include the stage of Preprimary School Education, and is it is indispensable to promote the education in values to form persons capable of interacting in the company and reaching his goals. In this work it is emphasized in the familiar participation in the center, across the didactic offer directed the School of parents. The proposed activities are destined to favor personal and social, such values as the responsibility, the generosity, the happiness, the empathy and self-esteem.
The principal aim of this work is principally the theoretical analysis of the importance that has the family along the growth of the child, attainment of the values and personal development of the same one. A theoretical frame has been elaborated especially recounted to the education in values, remembering the importance that they have for the human being from early ages that include the stage of Preprimary School Education, and is it is indispensable to promote the education in values to form persons capable of interacting in the company and reaching his goals. In this work it is emphasized in the familiar participation in the center, across the didactic offer directed the School of parents. The proposed activities are destined to favor personal and social, such values as the responsibility, the generosity, the happiness, the empathy and self-esteem.