Trastornos de los sonidos del habla. Estudio de casos
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(ES) Con el presente trabajo busco profundizar en el tema de los trastornos del lenguaje y,
específicamente, en la dislalia como patología del habla en edad infantil. Para ello, comienzo
estableciendo la relación existente entre la lingüística aplicada y las patologías del lenguaje. A
continuación, realizo una clasificación de distintos trastornos del lenguaje donde incluyo la
dislalia para posteriormente centrarme en este trastorno, su diagnóstico, actividades para
trabajar con niños que presenten esta patología y analizar su evolución. Finalmente, he
realizado un análisis descriptivo del desarrollo del lenguaje en varios niños que presentan esta
patología y que son tratados tanto en el colegio como en una clínica privada para así poder
obtener mis propias conclusiones sobre el mejor método de trabajo con pacientes con esta
patología en edad infantil.
(EN) With this academic work, I intend to focus on the issue of language disorders and, specifically, dyslalia as speech pathology in child age. To do this, I begin by stablishing the relationship between applied linguistics and language pathologies. Next, I make a classification of different language disorders where I include dyslalia in order to focus on this disorder later, its diagnosis, activities to work with students who present this pathology and its possible improvement. Finally, I perform a descriptive analysis of language development in several children of infant age who present this pathology and who are going to both school and a private clinic, in order to obtain my own conclusions about the best method of working with people with this pathology.
(EN) With this academic work, I intend to focus on the issue of language disorders and, specifically, dyslalia as speech pathology in child age. To do this, I begin by stablishing the relationship between applied linguistics and language pathologies. Next, I make a classification of different language disorders where I include dyslalia in order to focus on this disorder later, its diagnosis, activities to work with students who present this pathology and its possible improvement. Finally, I perform a descriptive analysis of language development in several children of infant age who present this pathology and who are going to both school and a private clinic, in order to obtain my own conclusions about the best method of working with people with this pathology.