El Signum Harpocraticum
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
A lo largo de la presente memoria se realiza un recorrido cronológico por las obras en las que aparece representado el gesto del silencio “Signum Harpocraticum” y de cómo su significado va adquiriendo matices distintos según la época, desde su origen en el Antiguo Egipto hasta el siglo XIX.
Along the present memory a chronological tour is realized by the works in which it turns out to be represented the gesture of the silence “Signum Harpocraticum” and of how his meaning is acquiring different shades according to the epoch, from his origin in the ancient Egypt up to the 19th century.
Along the present memory a chronological tour is realized by the works in which it turns out to be represented the gesture of the silence “Signum Harpocraticum” and of how his meaning is acquiring different shades according to the epoch, from his origin in the ancient Egypt up to the 19th century.
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