Análisis de la conciencia sobre desarrollo sostenible en alumnado de distintas titulaciones de la Universidad de Jaén
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] En este trabajo se presenta un estudio de la conciencia de sostenibilidad, en una muestra de 390 alumnos y alumnas de la Universidad de Jaén, de cuatro grados y un máster, de dos facultades distintas. Se utilizó como instrumento una encuesta de tipo Likert, con 27 ítems que miden creencias, actitudes y comportamientos, agrupados en aspectos ambientales, sociales y económicos. Los resultados muestran diferencias significativas entre los distintos grupos comparando la Facultad de Ciencias Experimentales y la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Según las respuestas proporcionadas por el alumnado de ambas facultades, los aspectos del cuestionario que tienen mayor influencia sobre el desarrollo de la conciencia de sostenibilidad en la muestra de estudio son las que tienen que ver con temas muy tratados y comentados actualmente por los medios y la sociedad. El análisis también muestra que existen diferencias de género en las muestras de estudio.
[EN] This work presents a study of sustainability consciousness, in a sample of 390 students from the University of Jaén, of five different degrees, from two different faculties. A Likert-type survey was used as an instrument, with 27 items to measure beliefs, attitudes and behaviours, grouped into environmental, social and economic aspects. The results show significant differences between the different populations comparing the Faculty of Experimental Sciences and the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences. According to the answers given by the students of both faculties, the aspects of the questionnaire that have the greatest influence on the development of sustainability awareness in the study sample are those that have to do with topics that are widely discussed and currently commented on by the media and the society, such as social and gender inequalities and global warming. The study also shows that there are gender differences in the study samples.
[EN] This work presents a study of sustainability consciousness, in a sample of 390 students from the University of Jaén, of five different degrees, from two different faculties. A Likert-type survey was used as an instrument, with 27 items to measure beliefs, attitudes and behaviours, grouped into environmental, social and economic aspects. The results show significant differences between the different populations comparing the Faculty of Experimental Sciences and the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences. According to the answers given by the students of both faculties, the aspects of the questionnaire that have the greatest influence on the development of sustainability awareness in the study sample are those that have to do with topics that are widely discussed and currently commented on by the media and the society, such as social and gender inequalities and global warming. The study also shows that there are gender differences in the study samples.