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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer la relación entre el nivel de actividad física, las funciones cognitivas y el bienestar emocional en jóvenes universitarios, a través de un estudio de corte transversal. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 168 estudiantes universitarios de Jaén y Granada, con edades comprendidas entre 22,80 ± 3,46 años, de los cuales un 45, 23 % (n= 76) eran hombres mientras que 54, 77% (n= 92) eran mujeres. Para obtener datos de identificación de la muestra se utilizó un cuestionario sociodemográfico diseñado “ad hoc”. Los niveles de actividad física se evaluaron por el cuestionario IPAQ-7. Para analizar las funciones ejecutivas se utilizó la escala EFECO en una versión de reporte conductual. El instrumento utilizado para conocer el disfrute hacia la actividad física fue el cuestionario PACES. Por último, se usó el cuestionario TMMS para evaluar el bienestar emocional.
[EN] The aim of this study was getting to know what relationship is established between physical activity level, cognitive functions and emotional well-being among undergraduates by cross-sectional studying. The example consisted of 168 students from Jaén and Granada University aged between 22,80 ± 23,46 años being 45,23 % (n=76) male, while 54. 77% (n= 92) mere females. In order to obtain dear identification data from these simples a sociodemographic questionaire was designed “ad hoc”. Psysical activity levels were assessed through a IPAQ-7 questionaire. On the other hand, to analiza executive functions an EFECO scale was introduced through a conductual report versión. In oder to measure physical activity enjoyment PACES questionaire was thr one introduced. Finally, a TMMS questionaire was the tool used to carry out emotional well-being states
[EN] The aim of this study was getting to know what relationship is established between physical activity level, cognitive functions and emotional well-being among undergraduates by cross-sectional studying. The example consisted of 168 students from Jaén and Granada University aged between 22,80 ± 23,46 años being 45,23 % (n=76) male, while 54. 77% (n= 92) mere females. In order to obtain dear identification data from these simples a sociodemographic questionaire was designed “ad hoc”. Psysical activity levels were assessed through a IPAQ-7 questionaire. On the other hand, to analiza executive functions an EFECO scale was introduced through a conductual report versión. In oder to measure physical activity enjoyment PACES questionaire was thr one introduced. Finally, a TMMS questionaire was the tool used to carry out emotional well-being states