Análisis microbiológico de productos lácteos
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Los productos lácteos constituyen uno de los pilares básicos de la alimentación por sus propiedades nutricionales y también un medio en el que pueden crecer numerosos microorganismos, pudiendo causar intoxicaciones. En este estudio se han analizado 11 alimentos lácteos: yogur, diferentes tipos de quesos y de leches. Se ha realizado un estudio microbiológico para comparar el número y tipo de microorganismos encontrados en leche cruda recién ordeñada, leche pasteurizada y en productos derivados de la leche. Según nuestros resultados, los quesos, por el desarrollo normal de bacterias lácticas en productos fermentados, presentan mayor carga microbiana que las leches frescas o las pasteurizadas, donde el crecimiento fue nulo, así como en el yogurt, donde tampoco se encontró crecimiento. Entre los distintitos tipos de quesos analizados, el que mayor carga microbiana presentó fue el Queso fresco de Cabra, mientras el Queso Massdam de Vaca fue el que menor crecimiento mostró en los medios utilizados.
[EN] Dairy products play an important role in human diet due to their nutritional properties, but they are also a favourable medium in which many microorganisms can grow and cause food poisoning. In this article, 11 dairy products are analyzed: differents types of cheeses and milks, as well as yogurt. Microbiological analysis is carried out to compare the number and type of microorganisms found in freshly milked raw milk, pasteurized milk and processed dairy products. According to our results, due to the reasonable development of lactic bacteria in fermented products, cheeses present a higher microbial load than fresh milks or pasteurized milks, where no growth was detected. Among the different types of cheeses analysed, fresh Goat Cheese was the type with the highest microbial load whereas Massdam cow cheese showed the lowest microbial growth in the bacteriological media employed.
[EN] Dairy products play an important role in human diet due to their nutritional properties, but they are also a favourable medium in which many microorganisms can grow and cause food poisoning. In this article, 11 dairy products are analyzed: differents types of cheeses and milks, as well as yogurt. Microbiological analysis is carried out to compare the number and type of microorganisms found in freshly milked raw milk, pasteurized milk and processed dairy products. According to our results, due to the reasonable development of lactic bacteria in fermented products, cheeses present a higher microbial load than fresh milks or pasteurized milks, where no growth was detected. Among the different types of cheeses analysed, fresh Goat Cheese was the type with the highest microbial load whereas Massdam cow cheese showed the lowest microbial growth in the bacteriological media employed.