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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Nuevas estrategias de producción y consumo son necesarias en todos los sectores e industrias para alcanzar el desarrollo
sostenible. Este trabajo se centra en la transición de la industria cerámica y aplica la metodología de Análisis de Ciclo de
Vida (ACV) mediante el software SimaPro a un caso práctico real basado en la producción de materiales cerámicos
estructurales en la provincia de Jaén considerando datos representativos de empresas del sector. El análisis cuantifica los
potenciales impactos ambientales considerando diferentes escenarios del modelo productivo en términos de su huella de
carbono y otros impactos ambientales. Los resultados del estudio permitieron identificar las etapas críticas del proceso
desde el punto de vista medioambiental para los que se proponen soluciones de mejora. Además, el estudio demuestra la
necesidad de realizar análisis holísticos más allá del cambio climático para evitar posibles daños colaterales y así asegurar
una transformación hacia una industria verdaderamente sostenible.
New production and consumption models are crucial across sectors and industries to achieve sustainable development. This work focuses on the transition of the ceramic industry. The study provides a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of a real case study based on the production of structural ceramic materials in the province of Jaén, relying on primary data collected from regional companies in the sector. The analysis quantifies the potential environmental impacts in terms of carbon footprint and other environmental impacts by considering different production scenarios. The results allow identifying the most critical stages (hotspots) of the value chain for which improvement solutions are proposed. Moreover, the study demonstrates the need for holistic environmental assessments beyond climate change to avoid potential collateral damages to other environmental areas and truly shift toward a sustainable ceramic industry.
New production and consumption models are crucial across sectors and industries to achieve sustainable development. This work focuses on the transition of the ceramic industry. The study provides a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of a real case study based on the production of structural ceramic materials in the province of Jaén, relying on primary data collected from regional companies in the sector. The analysis quantifies the potential environmental impacts in terms of carbon footprint and other environmental impacts by considering different production scenarios. The results allow identifying the most critical stages (hotspots) of the value chain for which improvement solutions are proposed. Moreover, the study demonstrates the need for holistic environmental assessments beyond climate change to avoid potential collateral damages to other environmental areas and truly shift toward a sustainable ceramic industry.