Desarrollo de la enseñanza con la animación televisiva como recurso educativo.
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(ES) Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado pretende diseñar y poner en práctica una unidad didáctica
apoyada en elementos audiovisuales basados en los dibujos animados. Para ello se escogerá
contenido específico del currículum dirigido a un curso de Educación Primaria para preparar una
serie de sesiones en las que se utilice el formato audiovisual. El uso adecuado de las TIC, junto con
la animación pueden hacer que el alumnado se interese y motive, abarcando y adaptando los
contenidos a la diversidad de discentes existentes en el aula.
Por otro lado, durante las sesiones se utilizará fundamentalmente metodologías activas y
participativas. En consecuencia, se espera percibir una mejora en la atención y comprensión de los
contenidos por parte del alumnado, desarrollo de su creatividad, trabajo colaborativo e individual y
conseguir que logren disfrutar aprendiendo, dejando atrás los métodos tradicionales de enseñanza
para dar protagonismo a formatos y recursos más actuales.
(EN) This Final Degree Project aims to design and implement a didactic unit supported by audiovisual elements based on cartoons. To do so, specific content of the curriculum for a Primary Education course will be chosen to prepare a series of sessions using the audiovisual format, in particular animation. Proper use of the TIC, together with animation can make the student interested and motivated, covering and adapting the contents to diversity of students in the classroom. On the other hand, during the different sessions of the didactic unit, active and participatory methodologies will be used. As a result, it is expected to perceive an improvement in the attention and understanding of the contents by the students, develop their creativity, collaborative and individual work and get them to enjoy learning, leaving behind traditional teaching methods to give prominence to more current formats and resources
(EN) This Final Degree Project aims to design and implement a didactic unit supported by audiovisual elements based on cartoons. To do so, specific content of the curriculum for a Primary Education course will be chosen to prepare a series of sessions using the audiovisual format, in particular animation. Proper use of the TIC, together with animation can make the student interested and motivated, covering and adapting the contents to diversity of students in the classroom. On the other hand, during the different sessions of the didactic unit, active and participatory methodologies will be used. As a result, it is expected to perceive an improvement in the attention and understanding of the contents by the students, develop their creativity, collaborative and individual work and get them to enjoy learning, leaving behind traditional teaching methods to give prominence to more current formats and resources