Diversidad sexual en España e intervención desde el trabajo social
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Actualmente la diversidad sexual es una realidad en la que, a pesar de haberse avanzado en materia
de derechos en España, la inclusión de esta realidad en la vida y contextos de las personas no es tan
visible. Esto provoca que las personas del colectivo LGTBI, continúen sufriendo discriminación en
la mayoría de entornos en los que se desarrollan, así sucede dentro de nuestra práctica profesional,
donde por falta de formación al respecto, se discrimina a usuarias del colectivo. Estas situaciones
de discriminación suponen para las personas del colectivo, unos estados de estrés que se prolongan
en el tiempo y afectan a su desarrollo como individuos dentro de la sociedad. Por este motivo, la
intención de este trabajo es destacar la importancia que subyace de la disciplina en intervenciones
con usuarias del colectivo y la necesidad de formación para ofrecer una intervención de calidad no
Currently sexual diversity is a reality in which despite having made progress in the field of rights in Spain, the inclusion of this reality in people's lives and contexts is not so visible. This causes people from the LGTBI community to continue to suffer discrimination in most of the settings in which they take place. This is the case within our professional practice, where due to lack of training in this regard, users of the community are discriminated against. These situations of discrimination suppose for the people of the group, the states of stress that last over time and affect development as individuals within society. For this reason, the intention of this work is to highlight the importance that the discipline underlies in the problems with the users of the group and the need for training to offer a non-discriminatory quality intervention.
Currently sexual diversity is a reality in which despite having made progress in the field of rights in Spain, the inclusion of this reality in people's lives and contexts is not so visible. This causes people from the LGTBI community to continue to suffer discrimination in most of the settings in which they take place. This is the case within our professional practice, where due to lack of training in this regard, users of the community are discriminated against. These situations of discrimination suppose for the people of the group, the states of stress that last over time and affect development as individuals within society. For this reason, the intention of this work is to highlight the importance that the discipline underlies in the problems with the users of the group and the need for training to offer a non-discriminatory quality intervention.