La Webquest como estrategia didáctica en Educación Infantil
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
El presente trabajo de fin de grado (TFG), tiene como finalidad investigar sobre la importancia de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en educación, concretamente en Educación Infantil, así como aplicar la estrategia didáctica Webquest en el aula de Educación Infantil. Para cumplir este objetivo, se ha realizado una búsqueda de información acerca de las TIC y el modelo Webquest, realizando así una revisión de la literatura sobre el tema. Una vez analizada la información, se plantea una propuesta didáctica para trabajar la Webquest con alumnos de 5 años de Educación Infantil, que ha sido llevaba a cabo en el Colegio San Vicente de Paúl (Jaén). Se concluye con varias experiencias y reflexiones finales acerca de la aplicación de Webquest en el aula de 5 años de Educación Infantil.
The present work for the end of degree, has as a completion, an investigation into the importance of information and communications technology (ICT) in education, specifically in Infant Education, as well as applying the didactic strategy, Webquest in the Infant Education classroom. To achieve this objective, some research has been done to find information about ICT and the Webquest model and a review of the literature has been written. After analyzing the information, I have proposed to develop a didactic strategy to use Webquest with students of 5 years old Early Childhood Education, involving a study which has been carried out in the San Vicente de Paul School (Jaén). It concludes with several experiences and final thoughts about the application of Webquest in the classroom for children of 5 years old in that school.
The present work for the end of degree, has as a completion, an investigation into the importance of information and communications technology (ICT) in education, specifically in Infant Education, as well as applying the didactic strategy, Webquest in the Infant Education classroom. To achieve this objective, some research has been done to find information about ICT and the Webquest model and a review of the literature has been written. After analyzing the information, I have proposed to develop a didactic strategy to use Webquest with students of 5 years old Early Childhood Education, involving a study which has been carried out in the San Vicente de Paul School (Jaén). It concludes with several experiences and final thoughts about the application of Webquest in the classroom for children of 5 years old in that school.