El voluntariado
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Este trabajo se ha realizado como una revisión bibliográfica de muchos documentos y libros sobre el voluntariado aportando información que viene dada por diferentes autores, debido al incremento del voluntariado y de entidades sin ánimo lucro para ayudar a los colectivos o ciudadanos vulnerables o en riesgo de exclusión social. Para entender el tema abordado se ha empezado hablando de la historia de este, siguiendo con la situación en nuestro país, y centrándonos en las personas voluntarias para saber un perfil concreto de estas personas. Posteriormente asociándolo a modelos teóricos relevantes como el altruismo y la conducta prosocial y la aplicación del voluntariado en organizaciones del tercer sector. Principalmente nos hemos centrado en la relación del voluntariado con el ámbito del Trabajo Social, dándole importancia al voluntariado corporativo y al la elaboración de un plan del voluntariado en la que el Trabajo Social y los trabajadores tienen una gran implicación
The project has been approached as a bibliographic research throughout many documentation and books about voluntary service where different authors provide significant information to this project due to the voluntary service and non-profit entities’ increase so as to help vulnerable collectives and citizens that can be socially marginalized. In order to understand the subject we are dealing with we talk about voluntary service’s history in the first place, locating it within our country and focusing on volunteers so we can know about their profile. Associating it later on with relevant theoretical models such as altruism and prosocial behaviour as well as the function of voluntary work within organizations from the third sector. We have mainly focused on the relationship between voluntary work and social work, paying attention to corporative voluntary work and the elaboration of a voluntary work plan where social work and its workers have a huge implication
The project has been approached as a bibliographic research throughout many documentation and books about voluntary service where different authors provide significant information to this project due to the voluntary service and non-profit entities’ increase so as to help vulnerable collectives and citizens that can be socially marginalized. In order to understand the subject we are dealing with we talk about voluntary service’s history in the first place, locating it within our country and focusing on volunteers so we can know about their profile. Associating it later on with relevant theoretical models such as altruism and prosocial behaviour as well as the function of voluntary work within organizations from the third sector. We have mainly focused on the relationship between voluntary work and social work, paying attention to corporative voluntary work and the elaboration of a voluntary work plan where social work and its workers have a huge implication
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