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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] El siguiente trabajo abordará el tema de la integración de las lenguas y culturas de los estudiantes
migrantes en la clase, con el objetivo de mostrar que sus lenguas y culturas no están lo
suficientemente incluidas y de dar un paso más allá haciendo que estas estén presentes en la clase al
igual que las demás lenguas y culturas. Para cumplir estos objetivos, se explicará en el marco teórico
los movimientos migratorios en Europa, España y Andalucía, las medidas de integración, los enfoques
y métodos de enseñanza que han propuesto las autoridades, y las medidas y nociones que se han
creado para la inclusión y preservación de esas lenguas y culturas. Por otra parte, también se
propondrá una unidad didáctica cuyo objetivo es trabajar esas lenguas y culturas en la clase de la
lengua extranjera, así como mejorar la competencia comunicativa del alumnado.
Palabras clave: inmigrantes, integración, inclusión, preservación, lenguas y culturas
[EN] This MA Dissertation addresses the integration of the languages and cultures of migrant students in the classroom, with the aim of showing that their languages and cultures are not sufficiently included and of taking a step further by making them present in the classroom together with the other languages and cultures. To meet these objectives, the theoretical framework revises the migratory movements in Europe, Spain and Andalusia, the integration measures, teaching approaches and methods that have been proposed by the authorities, and the measures and notions that have been created for the inclusion and preservation of these languages and cultures. Furthermore, a didactic unit is designed with the aim of working on these languages and cultures in the foreign language class, as well as of improving students' communicative competence. Key words: migrants, integration, inclusion, preservation, languages and cultures
[EN] This MA Dissertation addresses the integration of the languages and cultures of migrant students in the classroom, with the aim of showing that their languages and cultures are not sufficiently included and of taking a step further by making them present in the classroom together with the other languages and cultures. To meet these objectives, the theoretical framework revises the migratory movements in Europe, Spain and Andalusia, the integration measures, teaching approaches and methods that have been proposed by the authorities, and the measures and notions that have been created for the inclusion and preservation of these languages and cultures. Furthermore, a didactic unit is designed with the aim of working on these languages and cultures in the foreign language class, as well as of improving students' communicative competence. Key words: migrants, integration, inclusion, preservation, languages and cultures