Ayer y Hoy: aprendiendo Historia en E. Infantil
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
El presente Trabajo Fin de Grado dispone las Ciencias Sociales como principales en la educación de las niñas y los niños en la etapa de Educación Infantil, especialmente trabajando de manera vivenciada la Historia de los descubrimientos. Procura elaborar una implicación del tiempo y espacio, y por ende su visualización, en las aulas de este segundo ciclo desde edades tempranas. Al mismo tiempo, acomete enseñar diferencias existentes en la sociedad de la historia a través de cinco talleres los cuales engloban actividades de observación, experimentación, y aprendizaje. Como tal, se opta por una metodología activa y por descubrimiento como recurso del proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje. Apuesta por una Propuesta Didáctica que realce el valor de las Ciencias Sociales puesto que las personas conviven con una compleja realidad social, y el desarrollar un pensamiento crítico y un análisis del entorno, lo permiten las Ciencias Sociales, en este caso a través de la Historia.
This Final Degree Project shows social sciences as a core in girls and boys educaion in their nursery education stage, more concretely working while experiencing the history of discoveries. It tries to draw up time and space implications and thus its visualisation in this second stage since early ages. At the same time, it teaches existing differences in history society through five workshops which have observation, experimentation and learning activities. Accordingly, it’s an active methodology and discovering as a means of teaching- learning process. It focuses on a didactic proposal that enhances social science value due to the fact that people live in a complex social reality and it helps to develop critical thinking and an environmental analysis. It is thanks to social science and in this case to History. Key words (max. 5) scientific progress, social and human sciences, teaching-training, early childhood education, social participation.
This Final Degree Project shows social sciences as a core in girls and boys educaion in their nursery education stage, more concretely working while experiencing the history of discoveries. It tries to draw up time and space implications and thus its visualisation in this second stage since early ages. At the same time, it teaches existing differences in history society through five workshops which have observation, experimentation and learning activities. Accordingly, it’s an active methodology and discovering as a means of teaching- learning process. It focuses on a didactic proposal that enhances social science value due to the fact that people live in a complex social reality and it helps to develop critical thinking and an environmental analysis. It is thanks to social science and in this case to History. Key words (max. 5) scientific progress, social and human sciences, teaching-training, early childhood education, social participation.