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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]La infancia es una etapa de vital relevancia en lo que respecta a la adopción
de habilidades sociales dado que el niño y la niña se encuentran en un continuo
proceso de aprendizaje y están en constante desarrollo personal y social. En este
período, la interacción social con las personas allegadas como progenitores, docentes
y grupo de iguales adquiere gran importancia, por lo que estas figuras se convierten en
una pieza clave para la adquisición de habilidades sociales. Por su parte, los programas
de entrenamiento en habilidades sociales se categorizan imprescindibles en la
formación educativa para reducir y prevenir posibles déficits en las mismas. Tal es la
trascendencia de las habilidades sociales en la etapa infantil que se considera
fundamental su inclusión en el currículo formativo de los y las profesionales de la
educación infantil.
Palabras claves: psicología escolar; actitudes; comportamiento colectivo; desórdenes
del comportamiento.
[EN]Childhood is a stage of vital relevance in terms of the adoption of social skills since the child is in a continuous process of learning and is in constant personal and social development. In this period, the social interaction with people close to them as parents, teachers and peer group acquires great importance, so these figures become a key piece for the acquisition of social skills. On the other hand, social skills training programs are categorized as essential in educational training to reduce and prevent possible deficits in them. Such is the importance of the social skills in the infantile stage that its inclusion in the formative curriculum of the professionals of the infantile education is considered fundamental. Key words: school psychology; attitudes; collective behavior, behaviour disorders.
[EN]Childhood is a stage of vital relevance in terms of the adoption of social skills since the child is in a continuous process of learning and is in constant personal and social development. In this period, the social interaction with people close to them as parents, teachers and peer group acquires great importance, so these figures become a key piece for the acquisition of social skills. On the other hand, social skills training programs are categorized as essential in educational training to reduce and prevent possible deficits in them. Such is the importance of the social skills in the infantile stage that its inclusion in the formative curriculum of the professionals of the infantile education is considered fundamental. Key words: school psychology; attitudes; collective behavior, behaviour disorders.
Palabras clave
Formación y Orientación Laboral