Un recorrido neurobiológico y cognitivo a través de la inquietante naturaleza del sueño
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
En este trabajo se desarrolla la idea y el concepto del sueño desde una perspectiva neurobiológica y cognitiva para empezar por conocer, punto por punto, algunos de los mecanismos más importantes que lo conforman. Empezando por los mecanismos y procesos cognitivos presentes en el sueño, se revisarán algunos de los sustratos neuroanatómicos que le subyacen, poniendo especial énfasis en la plasticidad cerebral a la vez que se explican los efectos que ejerce sobre la cognición humana. Se pone de manifiesto el sueño como proceso de vital importancia para nuestra supervivencia, pero sobre todo se reafirma como una actividad compleja, asombrosa y enigmática.
In this project, the idea and concept of sleep gets developed from a unitary point of view in which sleep is approached from various complementary perspectives, analyzing its wide range of action and seeing, one by one, some of the most important mechanisms that build it up. Studying the cognitive mechanisms and processes which underlie the neuroanatomical substrates that mediate its operational pathways and maintenance, we will be making emphasis on brain plasticity whilst seeing the effects it has on human cognition. Sleep is revealed as a process of vital importance for our survival, but above all it is reaffirmed as a complex, startling and enigmatic activity. Key words
In this project, the idea and concept of sleep gets developed from a unitary point of view in which sleep is approached from various complementary perspectives, analyzing its wide range of action and seeing, one by one, some of the most important mechanisms that build it up. Studying the cognitive mechanisms and processes which underlie the neuroanatomical substrates that mediate its operational pathways and maintenance, we will be making emphasis on brain plasticity whilst seeing the effects it has on human cognition. Sleep is revealed as a process of vital importance for our survival, but above all it is reaffirmed as a complex, startling and enigmatic activity. Key words