Drama em gente: revelación plural del Yo en Fernando Pessoa
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] La presente revisión de la literatura aborda reflexiones en torno a la configuración del Yo y la búsqueda de bienestar. Se parte de la utilización del recurso literario de la heteronimia, del cual hace gala la obra del poeta portugués Fernando Pessoa y, de las aproximaciones que distintos autores han realizado a la misma en claves de la configuración del Yo en la contemporaneidad. Drama em gente, es el nombre a partir del cual el autor designa su obra y una de las formas desde las que deja entrever la vinculación existente entre cada una de las figuras que la componen. El trabajo de este poeta es asumido como una representación estética de las reflexiones y encrucijadas que constituyen la vida del hombre moderno. El presente texto pone el acento en la configuración heterónima, puesto que funciona como mecanismo revelador de la multiplicidad existente en el Yo y, en cómo esta puede configurarse, a su vez, en herramienta de bienestar.
[EN] The present review of the literature addresses reflections on the configuration of the Self and the search for well-being. It is based on the use of the literary resource of heteronymy, which shows the work of the Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa and, of the approaches that different authors have made to it in keys to the configuration of the self in the contemporaneity. Drama em gente, is the name from which the author designates his work and one of the forms from which he hints at the link between each of the figures that compose it. The work of this poet is assumed as an aesthetic representation of the reflections and crossroads that constitute the life of modern man. The present text emphasizes heteronimous configuration, since it functions as a revealing mechanism of the multiplicity existing in the Self, and in how it can be configured, in turn, as a welfare tool.
[EN] The present review of the literature addresses reflections on the configuration of the Self and the search for well-being. It is based on the use of the literary resource of heteronymy, which shows the work of the Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa and, of the approaches that different authors have made to it in keys to the configuration of the self in the contemporaneity. Drama em gente, is the name from which the author designates his work and one of the forms from which he hints at the link between each of the figures that compose it. The work of this poet is assumed as an aesthetic representation of the reflections and crossroads that constitute the life of modern man. The present text emphasizes heteronimous configuration, since it functions as a revealing mechanism of the multiplicity existing in the Self, and in how it can be configured, in turn, as a welfare tool.