La escalada deportiva en secundaria
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Mediante la realización de este Trabajo de Fin de Máster, se realiza un Unidad Didáctica y su
correspondiente fundamentación epistemológica del tema principal, la escalada. Se trata de un deporte
poco conocido y eludido en el ámbito escolar, es por ello que se pretende visibilizar y dar al alumnado la
oportunidad de conocer dicha práctica y aprender de forma teórica y práctica las características de este
deporte. Además, experimentarán sensaciones diferentes a las que habitualmente están acostumbrados/as, superando sus inseguridades y miedos. Se fomentará la actividad física, la escalada
deportiva y la concienciación medioambiental, todo ello promoviendo importantes valores como son el
respeto y el trabajo cooperativo.
[EN] Through the completion of this Final Master's Project, a Didactic Unit and its corresponding epistemological foundation of the main theme, climbing, is carried out. It is a little-known and elusive sport in the school, which is why it aims to make visible and give the student the opportunity to know this practice and learn in a theoretical and practical way the characteristics of this sport. In addition, they will experience different sensations than those they are usually used to, overcoming their insecurities and fears. Physical activity, sport climbing and environmental awareness will be promoted, all of these promoting important values such as respect and cooperative work.
[EN] Through the completion of this Final Master's Project, a Didactic Unit and its corresponding epistemological foundation of the main theme, climbing, is carried out. It is a little-known and elusive sport in the school, which is why it aims to make visible and give the student the opportunity to know this practice and learn in a theoretical and practical way the characteristics of this sport. In addition, they will experience different sensations than those they are usually used to, overcoming their insecurities and fears. Physical activity, sport climbing and environmental awareness will be promoted, all of these promoting important values such as respect and cooperative work.