Estudio de caso: Refuerzo educativo en el aula en compresión y expresión escrita
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
En este estudio de caso se analizarán las dificultades de aprendizaje presentes en el aula,
concretamente en un alumno de primer ciclo de Educación Primaria, referidas a la
comprensión y expresión escrita del área de Lengua. El objetivo es realizar una propuesta de
unidad didáctica integrada basada en refuerzo educativo a partir de la aplicación de una serie
de medidas de carácter ordinario. Dicho objeto de estudio será llevado a cabo en un centro
educativo de Jaén durante el curso escolar 2015/2016, en concreto durante el segundo
trimestre de este, con la ayuda del profesor-tutor y demás profesionales del equipo directivo
del centro.
In this study of case the present difficulties of learning will be analyzed in the classroom, concretely in a pupil of the first cycle of Primary Education, recounted to the comprehension and written expression of the Area of Language. The aim is to realize a didactic integrated unit based on educational reinforcement from the application of a series of measures of ordinary character. The above mentioned object of study will be carried out in an educational center of Jaen during the school course 2015/2016, in I make concrete during the second quarter of this one, with the help of the teacher - tutor and other professionals of the management team of the center.
In this study of case the present difficulties of learning will be analyzed in the classroom, concretely in a pupil of the first cycle of Primary Education, recounted to the comprehension and written expression of the Area of Language. The aim is to realize a didactic integrated unit based on educational reinforcement from the application of a series of measures of ordinary character. The above mentioned object of study will be carried out in an educational center of Jaen during the school course 2015/2016, in I make concrete during the second quarter of this one, with the help of the teacher - tutor and other professionals of the management team of the center.
Palabras clave
Educación Física