Efectos del consumo de tabaco durante el embarazo sobre la salud del niño.
Barea-Osuna, Álvaro-Manuel
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo realizar una revisión bibliográfica actualizada de los efectos del consumo de tabaco durante el embarazo sobre la salud del niño. El tabaquismo es considerado como la primera causa de muerte evitable. En España el 30-43% de las embarazadas consumen nicotina en el primer trimestre de gestación y el 14-26% están expuestas al humo del tabaco en su entorno más próximo. El consumo de nicotina tiene una serie de efectos negativos en la salud del fumador y en la salud del feto expuesto. Estos efectos nocivos se pueden diferenciar en físicos, genéticos, conductuales y cognitivos. Es necesaria esta revisión para la agrupación de las conclusiones de los estudios publicados acerca de este tema, aunque hay varios estudios que confrontan dichos resultados.
This work has the objective of making an updated bibliography revision about the different effects of tobacco on the child during the mother’s pregnancy. Smoking is considered the first cause of evitable death nowadays. In Spain, the range of women who smoke during their first trimester of pregnancy is 30-34%; on the other hand, around 14-26% of women are exposed to tobacco smoke in their environment. The consumption of nicotine has a series of negative effects in the smoker health as well as in the fetus health. These effects can be differentiated between physical, genetic, behavioral and cognitive damages. For that reason, this revision is necessary in order to gather the conclusions about the different published studies about this topic, although in some of them, there seems to be opposite results.
This work has the objective of making an updated bibliography revision about the different effects of tobacco on the child during the mother’s pregnancy. Smoking is considered the first cause of evitable death nowadays. In Spain, the range of women who smoke during their first trimester of pregnancy is 30-34%; on the other hand, around 14-26% of women are exposed to tobacco smoke in their environment. The consumption of nicotine has a series of negative effects in the smoker health as well as in the fetus health. These effects can be differentiated between physical, genetic, behavioral and cognitive damages. For that reason, this revision is necessary in order to gather the conclusions about the different published studies about this topic, although in some of them, there seems to be opposite results.