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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]Este Trabajo de Fin de Máster está enfocado en la literatura inglesa como recurso a utilizar en la enseñanza del inglés como segunda lengua, bajo un enfoque comunicativo.
El trabajo consiste en una parte teórica en la que se estudian la influencia de la literatura en la clase de inglés, la literatura infantil, etc., y una parte práctica que contiene una unidad didáctica centrada en el Libro de la Selva para niños/as de sexto curso de primaria.
El objetivo principal es estudiar la literatura infantil y su influencia en la adquisición de la lengua inglesa, ya que se ha demostrado que ayuda a desarrollar incontables competencias académicas y personales en los estudiantes, así como el dominio de las cuatro habilidades lingüísticas, transmitiendo también conocimientos culturales, y promoviendo un amor hacia la literatura.
[EN]This Master’s Dissertation is focused on English literature as a resource to be used in the teaching of English as a second language, following a communicative approach. The work consists of a theoretical part in which the influence of literature in the English classroom, children’s literature, etc., are studied, and a practical part which contains a didactic unit centred on the Jungle Book for children on the sixth level of primary education. The main objective is to study children’s literature and its influence in the English language acquisition, since it has been proved that it helps to develop countless students’ academic and personal competences, as well as the domain of the four linguistic skills, transmitting also cultural knowledge, and fostering a love of reading.
[EN]This Master’s Dissertation is focused on English literature as a resource to be used in the teaching of English as a second language, following a communicative approach. The work consists of a theoretical part in which the influence of literature in the English classroom, children’s literature, etc., are studied, and a practical part which contains a didactic unit centred on the Jungle Book for children on the sixth level of primary education. The main objective is to study children’s literature and its influence in the English language acquisition, since it has been proved that it helps to develop countless students’ academic and personal competences, as well as the domain of the four linguistic skills, transmitting also cultural knowledge, and fostering a love of reading.
Palabras clave
Enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera