Programa de Prevención del Uso Inadecuado de las TIC para alumnado de 1o E.S.O.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Las Nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) ofrecen diversas herramientas digitales
que nos permiten adquirir y transmitir conocimiento de manera ilimitada, al mismo tiempo que facilita la
comunicación y el contacto permanente entre las personas usuarias de la red. No obstante, un uso no
supervisado de las TIC, puede afectar a distintas áreas de desarrollo de las personas que frecuentan éstas.
El presente Programa de Orientación e Intervención Psicopedagógica explica qué son las TIC y el impacto
de ellas, teniendo como objetivo prevenir un uso incontrolado de la red y las consecuencias que esto
puede ocasionar entre los jóvenes. Todo ello se trabajará desde los diferentes ámbitos de intervención de
la Orientación Educativa a través de diversas sesiones planteadas que favorezcan la consecución de los
objetivos planteados y está dirigido para jóvenes entre 12 y 13 años escolarizados en 1o de ESO.
[EN] New Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) offer various digital tools that allow us to acquire and transmit knowledge in an unlimited way, while facilitating communication and permanent contact between network users. However, unsupervised use of ICTs can affect different areas of development of the people who use them. This Psychopedagogical Guidance and Intervention Program explains what ICTs are and their impact, aiming to prevent an uncontrolled use of the network and the consequences that this can cause among young people. All this will be worked from the different areas of intervention of the Educational Guidance through various sessions that promote the achievement of the objectives and is aimed at young people between 12 and 13 years old in 1st year of ESO.
[EN] New Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) offer various digital tools that allow us to acquire and transmit knowledge in an unlimited way, while facilitating communication and permanent contact between network users. However, unsupervised use of ICTs can affect different areas of development of the people who use them. This Psychopedagogical Guidance and Intervention Program explains what ICTs are and their impact, aiming to prevent an uncontrolled use of the network and the consequences that this can cause among young people. All this will be worked from the different areas of intervention of the Educational Guidance through various sessions that promote the achievement of the objectives and is aimed at young people between 12 and 13 years old in 1st year of ESO.