Cláusulas sociales en la Contratación Pública. Los aspectos sociales como valor añadido
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
En el escenario de crisis económica global donde nos encontramos por el fracaso de las políticas neoliberales, y por la economía de libre mercado, son muchas las voces que reclaman otro modelo económico, que sea más sostenible, más solidario, más equitativo, donde primen las personas y el desarrollo social antes que el desarrollo del capital privado.
El Tercer Sector de Acción Social en general y la Economía Social en particular, vienen planteando desde hace tiempo, una nueva relación con el sector público y la necesidad de incorporar cláusulas sociales de forma generalizada en la contratación pública. Este hecho supondría el reconocimiento del valor añadido que aportan estas entidades a la sociedad y al territorio donde se ubican y por otro lado, a la Administración no le supondría un gasto adicional sino todo lo contrario, colaboraría en la consecución de un cambio que llevaría a una contratación pública socialmente responsable.
In the current scene of global economic crisis due both failure of neoliberal policies and free market economy, there are many voices calling for another economic model ( a more sustainable, more caring and equitable model), where prevail the people and social development rather than the development of private capital. Both Third Sector Social Action organizations in general as Social Economy in particular, are raised for a new relationship with the public sector and the need to include social clauses widely in public procurement long. By one hand, this would imply recognition of the added value provided by these institutions to society and the territory where they are located. On the other hand, the administration did not would involve additional expenditure but conversely would collaborate in achieving a change that would lead to a socially responsible public procurement
In the current scene of global economic crisis due both failure of neoliberal policies and free market economy, there are many voices calling for another economic model ( a more sustainable, more caring and equitable model), where prevail the people and social development rather than the development of private capital. Both Third Sector Social Action organizations in general as Social Economy in particular, are raised for a new relationship with the public sector and the need to include social clauses widely in public procurement long. By one hand, this would imply recognition of the added value provided by these institutions to society and the territory where they are located. On the other hand, the administration did not would involve additional expenditure but conversely would collaborate in achieving a change that would lead to a socially responsible public procurement