Elaboración de materiales para el desarrollo del vocabulario en estudiantes de programas bilingües
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Una desventaja que afecta a algunos docentes de programas bilingües es alcanzar un nivel decente
de conocimiento del léxico en sus discentes. Este estudio está basado en la experiencia de una profesora de español como lengua extranjera (ELE) en un programa dual en EE.UU. El presente trabajo investiga las distintas estrategias y metodologías para mejorar el aprendizaje del vocabulario. Los hallazgos indican la falta de formación de numerosos instructores de ELE ya que son hablantes de herencia. Las expectativas de éxito son los distintos estilos y estrategias de aprendizaje relacionados, directamente, con metodologías activas y basadas en el juego, que hacen de la propuesta una notable mejora en la enseñanza-aprendizaje del léxico. Por último, se proponen unos juegos que ayudan a incrementarlo, y que, previamente, se han practicado, en programas duales de una escuela pública en San Antonio, Texas, con un rotundo éxito entre los alumnos.
[EN] A disadvantage affecting some teachers in bilingual programs is achieving a satisfactory level of understanding of the lexicon in their students. This study is based on the experience of a Spanish foreign language (ELE) teacher, working in a dual-language program in the USA. The current effort investigates the various strategies and methodologies for improving vocabulary learning. The findings indicate a lack of training among many ELE instructors, since they are heritage speakers. The expectations for success are the variety of learning styles and strategies, directly related to “active methodologies” and “game-based methodologies,” which offer a notable improvement in the teaching and learning of the lexicon. Finally, some games that help to improve the lexicon are given, which have been tested previously in dual-language programs in a public school in San Antonio, Texas, with a resounding success among the students.
[EN] A disadvantage affecting some teachers in bilingual programs is achieving a satisfactory level of understanding of the lexicon in their students. This study is based on the experience of a Spanish foreign language (ELE) teacher, working in a dual-language program in the USA. The current effort investigates the various strategies and methodologies for improving vocabulary learning. The findings indicate a lack of training among many ELE instructors, since they are heritage speakers. The expectations for success are the variety of learning styles and strategies, directly related to “active methodologies” and “game-based methodologies,” which offer a notable improvement in the teaching and learning of the lexicon. Finally, some games that help to improve the lexicon are given, which have been tested previously in dual-language programs in a public school in San Antonio, Texas, with a resounding success among the students.
Palabras clave
Enseñanza de español como Lengua extranjera