Grado de conocimiento y percepción del olivicultor sobre los aceites de oliva
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]Este Trabajo Fin de Grado se enmarca en el análisis del comportamiento del consumidor de aceites de oliva, con el fin de orientar estrategias de marketing.
Los objetivos principales de la investigación son dos. Por un lado, se trata de estudiar el grado de conocimiento de los olivicultores y oliviculturas acerca de los tipos aceites de oliva y de sus características diferenciales y, por otro lado, de medir la percepción de los mismos sobre presencia de atributos de determinados aceites y denominaciones usadas o que pueden utilizarse en el etiquetado de los aceites de oliva.
Para alcanzar estos objetivos se ha elaborado una encuesta con dos partes diferenciadas que se ha pasado a olivicultores y olivicultoras. Los datos obtenidos se han analizado con el programa estadístico “SPSS”, que nos ha permitido contrastar determinadas hipótesis sobre la influencia en el conocimiento de variables sociodemográficas.
[EN]This End of Grade Work is part of the analysis of consumer behavior of olive oils, in order to guide marketing strategies. The main objectives of the research are two. On the one hand, the aim is to study the degree of knowledge of olive growers and olive cultivars about olive oil types and their differential characteristics and, on the other hand, to measure their perception on the presence of attributes of certain oils and Denominations used or which may be used in the labeling of olive oils. To achieve these objectives, a survey has been developed with two distinct parts that has been passed to olive growers and olive growers. The data obtained were analyzed with the statistical program "SPSS", which allowed us to contrast certain hypotheses about the influence on the knowledge of sociodemographic variables.
[EN]This End of Grade Work is part of the analysis of consumer behavior of olive oils, in order to guide marketing strategies. The main objectives of the research are two. On the one hand, the aim is to study the degree of knowledge of olive growers and olive cultivars about olive oil types and their differential characteristics and, on the other hand, to measure their perception on the presence of attributes of certain oils and Denominations used or which may be used in the labeling of olive oils. To achieve these objectives, a survey has been developed with two distinct parts that has been passed to olive growers and olive growers. The data obtained were analyzed with the statistical program "SPSS", which allowed us to contrast certain hypotheses about the influence on the knowledge of sociodemographic variables.