Programa de Intervención para aumentar la autoestima en mujeres víctimas de violencia de género a través del perdón y la gratitud.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] La violencia de género se define como cualquier comportamiento que cause daño físico, sexual, psicológico, o económico a una persona debido a su
género, siendo una de sus consecuencias directas la falta de autoestima en la víctima. El objetivo de este trabajo es proponer un programa de
intervención para aumentar la autoestima en mujeres víctimas de violencia de género a través de la gratitud y el perdón. El programa consta de seis
sesiones semanales, de noventa minutos de duración aproximadamente, para trabajar estas dos fortalezas. Se utilizará un diseño cuasi-experimental
con dos grupos, intervención y control. Se espera que, al término del programa, las participantes experimenten una mejora significativa en su
autoestima que ayude a que tengan una disposición mayor para reconstruir sus vidas de manera positiva.
[EN] Gender violence is defined as any behavior that causes physical, sexual, psychological, or economic harm to a person because of her gender, and one of its direct consequences is a lack of self-esteem in the victim. The objective of this work is to propose an intervention program to increase self-esteem in women victims of gender violence through gratitude and forgiveness. The program consists of six weekly sessions, lasting approximately ninety minutes, to work on these two strengths. A quasi-experimental design with two groups, intervention and control, will be used. It is expected that, at the end of the program, participants will experience a significant improvement in their self-esteem that will help them to be more willing to rebuild their lives in a positive way.
[EN] Gender violence is defined as any behavior that causes physical, sexual, psychological, or economic harm to a person because of her gender, and one of its direct consequences is a lack of self-esteem in the victim. The objective of this work is to propose an intervention program to increase self-esteem in women victims of gender violence through gratitude and forgiveness. The program consists of six weekly sessions, lasting approximately ninety minutes, to work on these two strengths. A quasi-experimental design with two groups, intervention and control, will be used. It is expected that, at the end of the program, participants will experience a significant improvement in their self-esteem that will help them to be more willing to rebuild their lives in a positive way.