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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
(ES)El siguiente Trabajo de Fin de Master corresponde a un Plan de Marketing para la Dirección de Relaciones
Internacionales de la Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (Chile), una oficina de movilidad estudiantil que ha tenido
que sobrevivir ante los inminentes cambios del entorno, como la pandemia COVID 19 y estallidos sociales
que han tenido como escenario al país del Cono Sur.
Dicho trabajo tiene como finalidad establecer objetivos comerciales que permitan a la organización
adaptarse a este nuevo escenario social y sanitario, proponiendo cambiar la forma en cómo se estaba
desarrollando su estrategia comercial, con el objetivo de alcanzar más beneficios, que permitan continuar
con la labor educacional del departamento de movilidad.
(EN)The following document corresponds to a Marketing Plan for the International Relations Directorate of the Adolfo Ibáñez University (Chile), a student exchange office that has had to survive in the face of imminent changes in the environment, such as the COVID 19 pandemic and social outbreaks that have taken place in the country of the Southern Cone. The purpose of this work is to establish commercial objectives that allow the organization to adapt to this new social and health scenario, proposing to change the way in which its commercial strategy was being developed, with the aim of achieving more benefits, which allow it to continue with the educational work of this exchange office.
(EN)The following document corresponds to a Marketing Plan for the International Relations Directorate of the Adolfo Ibáñez University (Chile), a student exchange office that has had to survive in the face of imminent changes in the environment, such as the COVID 19 pandemic and social outbreaks that have taken place in the country of the Southern Cone. The purpose of this work is to establish commercial objectives that allow the organization to adapt to this new social and health scenario, proposing to change the way in which its commercial strategy was being developed, with the aim of achieving more benefits, which allow it to continue with the educational work of this exchange office.