Un viaje por el maravilloso mundo de leyendas y cuentos de Australia
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(ES) En la asignatura de Inglés en Educación Primaria en España se muestra muy poco la literatura e
información sobre países de habla inglesa como Australia. Por ello, ante la necesidad de cambiar
esto y dar voz a la literatura de este país se ha creado este trabajo. Este se centra en la literatura
australiana infantil y a su vez, en la literatura australiana aborigen infantil. Para poder trabajarla,
específicamente en el tercer año de educación primaria, se ha propuesto una unidad didáctica cuyo
hilo conductor es una leyenda de la literatura aborigen. De esta forma, se intentará fomentar el
trabajo de la literatura en la clase de Inglés como lengua extranjera, cómo poder hacerlo, dar
visibilidad a otros países y culturas diferentes de habla inglesa y responder a la diversidad cultural
presente en el mundo.
(EN) Literature and information about English-spoken countries such as Australia barely appear in English subjects in Spanish Primary Education. For that reason, due to the need to change this and make this literature recognizable, this End of Degree Dissertation has been created. It focuses on Australian Children’s Literature and Indigenous Australian Children’s literature, too. A didactic unit, whose main theme is a legend from the Indigenous Literature, has been proposed in order to work on this literature, specifically in the third year of Spanish Primary Education. In this way, we will try to promote the work of literature in the English as a Foreign Language class, how to do it, make other English-spoken countries and cultures visible and deal with the cultural diversity that exists in the world
(EN) Literature and information about English-spoken countries such as Australia barely appear in English subjects in Spanish Primary Education. For that reason, due to the need to change this and make this literature recognizable, this End of Degree Dissertation has been created. It focuses on Australian Children’s Literature and Indigenous Australian Children’s literature, too. A didactic unit, whose main theme is a legend from the Indigenous Literature, has been proposed in order to work on this literature, specifically in the third year of Spanish Primary Education. In this way, we will try to promote the work of literature in the English as a Foreign Language class, how to do it, make other English-spoken countries and cultures visible and deal with the cultural diversity that exists in the world
Palabras clave
Lengua Extranjera (Inglés)