Metodologías educativas en la lengua extranjera
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
La docencia con respecto a la lengua extranjera o segunda lengua ha ido cambiando a lo largo de los años, y sobre todo según las necesidades que tienen las sociedades a las que se les inculca esta nueva lengua, es por ello que se comienza a enseñar desde los primeros cursos de Educación Infantil, pasando por Educación Primaria y Secundaria, y como no, finalizando en los cursos mayores, como son primero y segundo de Bachillerato, donde se considera que ya tienen un nivel avanzado para seguir su formación y finalizarla. La enseñanza de esta lengua puede focalizarse de distintas metodologías, como puede ser la metodología tradicional, donde el docente explica, el alumnado calla y escucha, hasta llegar al método comunicativo, donde el alumnado participa en todo momento dejando la función del docente como ayuda para obtener de este modo un proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje efectivo
Teching respected to the foreing language or second language has been changing over the years, and according to the needs of the societies to which this new language is inculcated, that is why it begins to teach from the first courses of Childhood, passing throught Primary and Secondary Education, and of course, ending in the high level, such as first and second of Bachillerato, where it is considered that they already have an advance level to continue and finish their studies. Te teaching of this language can focus on different methodologies, such as the traditional methodology, where the teacher explains and the studients remain silent and listen, until the communicative method, where the students participate at all times, leaving the role of the teacher to help them, obtaining an effective teaching-learning process.
Teching respected to the foreing language or second language has been changing over the years, and according to the needs of the societies to which this new language is inculcated, that is why it begins to teach from the first courses of Childhood, passing throught Primary and Secondary Education, and of course, ending in the high level, such as first and second of Bachillerato, where it is considered that they already have an advance level to continue and finish their studies. Te teaching of this language can focus on different methodologies, such as the traditional methodology, where the teacher explains and the studients remain silent and listen, until the communicative method, where the students participate at all times, leaving the role of the teacher to help them, obtaining an effective teaching-learning process.
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