Necesidades sociales en víctimas de trata con fines de explotación sexual: el caso de las mujeres de origen subsahariano.
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[ES]La trata de seres humanos con fines de explotación sexual es un delito y una de las manifestaciones más crueles de violencia de género (Estrategia Nacional para la erradicación de la violencia contra la mujer, 2013-2016). Además, conforma una violación de derechos humanos y una forma de desigualdad que mantiene a las mujeres más pobres en situación de exclusión social y de ser oprimidas. Durante los procesos migratorios, tanto en el origen, como en el tránsito y en el destino, las personas migrantes especialmente las mujeres, se ven expuestas a dicha forma de violencia. A partir del conocimiento de esta realidad y de un interés particular sobre la temática, este Trabajo Fin de Máster (TFM) tiene como propósito conocer la realidad de una muestra de mujeres tratadas con fines de explotación sexual de origen subsahariano para comprender la situación personal y social en la que se encuentran estas mujeres actualmente tras un proceso migratorio marcado por la violencia de proximidad (Provide, 2018). Pretendo reflexionar sobre este tema desde la disciplina del Trabajo Social y el enfoque de género, centrando mi atención en el contexto de la provincia de Jaén. Mi interés sería la creación de un protocolo mediante el cual detectar y abordar los casos de trata con fines de explotación sexual en la que se persiga una coordinación interinstitucional y una transferencia de conocimiento a profesionales (del ámbito social, jurídico, sanitario, de protección civil) en la detección de trata en el contexto de Andalucía e intervención social.
[EN]Trafficking in human beings for the purpose of sexual exploitation is a crime and one of the cruellest manifestations of gender-based violence (National Strategy for the Eradication of Violence against Women, 2013-2016). It is also a violation of human rights and a form of inequality that keeps the poorest women socially excluded and oppressed. During migration processes, both in origin, transit and destination, migrants, especially women, are exposed to this form of violence. Based on the knowledge of this reality and a particular interest on the subject, this End of Master's Work (TFM) aims to know the reality of a sample of women trafficked for sexual exploitation of sub-Saharan origin to understand the personal and social situation in which these women are currently after a migration process marked by violence of proximity (Provide, 2018). I intend to reflect on this issue from the discipline of Social Work and the gender approach, focusing my attention on the context of the province of Jaén. My interest would be the creation of a protocol through which to detect and address cases of trafficking for sexual exploitation in which there is inter-institutional coordination and a transfer of knowledge to professionals (social, legal, health, civil protection) in the detection of trafficking in the context of Andalusia and social intervention
[EN]Trafficking in human beings for the purpose of sexual exploitation is a crime and one of the cruellest manifestations of gender-based violence (National Strategy for the Eradication of Violence against Women, 2013-2016). It is also a violation of human rights and a form of inequality that keeps the poorest women socially excluded and oppressed. During migration processes, both in origin, transit and destination, migrants, especially women, are exposed to this form of violence. Based on the knowledge of this reality and a particular interest on the subject, this End of Master's Work (TFM) aims to know the reality of a sample of women trafficked for sexual exploitation of sub-Saharan origin to understand the personal and social situation in which these women are currently after a migration process marked by violence of proximity (Provide, 2018). I intend to reflect on this issue from the discipline of Social Work and the gender approach, focusing my attention on the context of the province of Jaén. My interest would be the creation of a protocol through which to detect and address cases of trafficking for sexual exploitation in which there is inter-institutional coordination and a transfer of knowledge to professionals (social, legal, health, civil protection) in the detection of trafficking in the context of Andalusia and social intervention