Bases moleculares de la division mitotica
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] El ciclo celular es una sucesión de etapas durante las cuales la célula aumenta de tamaño, duplica su material genético, y se divide en dos células hijas. La mitosis es un tipo de división celular por el que las células resultantes obtienen el mismo material genético que sus predecesoras. En este trabajo hemos llevado a cabo un análisis funcional de varios genes reguladores de mitosis: MCPHl, condensina I y condensina 11. Gracias a la realización de ensayos de pérdida de función de estos genes, hemos demostrado la implicación de los mismos en la progresión del ciclo celular y en la morfología y estructura cromosómica. Así, hemos observado que la función de MCPHl tiene un papel dominante sobre la de condensina I y condensina 11, además de otras interacciones. Estos resultados son de gran interés al aportar información sobre algunos genes reguladores implicados en mitosis.
[EN]Cell cycle is a succession of stages in which cells increases in size, duplicates its genetic material, and divides into two daughter cells. Mitosis is a type of cell division by which the resulting cells obtain the same genetic material as their predecessors. In this work we have carried out a functional analysis of several mitosis regulatory genes: MCPHl, condensin I and condensin 11. The analysis of the loss of function of these genes, demostrate the involvement of these genes in the cell cycle, and in the morphology and chromosome structure. Thus, we have seen that the function of MCPHl has a dominant role over condensin I and condensin ti, in addition to other interactions. These results give us sorne important information about sorne regulatory genes involved in mitosis.
[EN]Cell cycle is a succession of stages in which cells increases in size, duplicates its genetic material, and divides into two daughter cells. Mitosis is a type of cell division by which the resulting cells obtain the same genetic material as their predecessors. In this work we have carried out a functional analysis of several mitosis regulatory genes: MCPHl, condensin I and condensin 11. The analysis of the loss of function of these genes, demostrate the involvement of these genes in the cell cycle, and in the morphology and chromosome structure. Thus, we have seen that the function of MCPHl has a dominant role over condensin I and condensin ti, in addition to other interactions. These results give us sorne important information about sorne regulatory genes involved in mitosis.