Estudio Tecno-Económico de instalación solar fotovoltaica para autoconsumo en edificio de la administración publica
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[es] Realización de un estudio técnico y económico sobre una instalación situada en Alicún de Ortega, en la
parte nororiental de la comarca de los Montes, en la provincia de Granada.
Este se hará para un edificio destinado a la administración pública, el ayuntamiento de Alicún de
Ortega, con una curva de consumo característica por los horarios de oficina y que la marcaremos en el
programa utilizado para la realización del estudio.
Se hará una pequeña comparación técnico-económica entre varios métodos de instalación solar
fotovoltaica viendo cual sería más interesante instalar para sacar el máximo partido de la instalación y
a su vez el periodo de amortización de la inversión a realizar.
De esta manera, al terminar este estudio, dispondremos de la información necesaria para realizar la
instalación y cual sería mejor instalar.
[en] Carrying out a technical and economic study on an installation located in Alicún de Ortega, in the northeastern part of the region of Los Montes, in the province of Granada. This will be done for a public administration building, the town hall of Alicún de Ortega, with a characteristic consumption curve due to office hours, which will be marked in the programme used to carry out the study. A small technicaleconomic comparison will be made between various methods of photovoltaic solar installation to see which would be more interesting to install to get the most out of the installation and in turn the payback period of the investment to be made. In this way, at the end of this study, we will have the necessary information to carry out the installation and which would be the best to install.
[en] Carrying out a technical and economic study on an installation located in Alicún de Ortega, in the northeastern part of the region of Los Montes, in the province of Granada. This will be done for a public administration building, the town hall of Alicún de Ortega, with a characteristic consumption curve due to office hours, which will be marked in the programme used to carry out the study. A small technicaleconomic comparison will be made between various methods of photovoltaic solar installation to see which would be more interesting to install to get the most out of the installation and in turn the payback period of the investment to be made. In this way, at the end of this study, we will have the necessary information to carry out the installation and which would be the best to install.