El teletrabajo, subespecie del trabajo a distancia
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Tras el gran impacto económico y social que ha supuesto el
COVID - 19, han sido muchas las medidas urgentes que se han
tenido que adoptar, entre ellas se encuentra el carácter preferente
que ha tomado el trabajo a distancia, establecido en el artículo 5
del Real Decreto Ley 8/2020, de medidas urgentes
extraordinarias. Pero, ¿qué es el trabajo a distancia?
Para conocer un poco más acerca del trabajo a distancia, y en
especial del teletrabajo, en este trabajo vamos a analizar la norma
que los desarrolla, el Real Decreto Ley 28/2020, de 22 de
septiembre, de trabajo a distancia. Aunque, aquellos trabajadores
que hayan implantado esta modalidad excepcionalmente como
consecuencia de las medidas de contención sanitaria, les seguirá
resultando de aplicación la normativa laboral ordinaria.
After the big economic and social impact of COVID – 19, there have been many urgent measures that have had to be adopted, among then is the preferential nature of remote work, establishe in art. 5 RDL 8/2020, of March 17, on extraordinary urgent measures. But, what is remote work? To learn a little more about distance work, and especially telework, in this study we are going to analyze the regulation that develops them, RDL 28/2020, of September 22, on distance work. Although, workers who have implemented this modality exceptionally as a reslt of the sanitary containment measures, the ordinary labor regulations will continue to apply.
After the big economic and social impact of COVID – 19, there have been many urgent measures that have had to be adopted, among then is the preferential nature of remote work, establishe in art. 5 RDL 8/2020, of March 17, on extraordinary urgent measures. But, what is remote work? To learn a little more about distance work, and especially telework, in this study we are going to analyze the regulation that develops them, RDL 28/2020, of September 22, on distance work. Although, workers who have implemented this modality exceptionally as a reslt of the sanitary containment measures, the ordinary labor regulations will continue to apply.