Competencias de las matronas en la atención al parto. Estudio comparativo entre Jönköping y Jaén
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Trabajo fin de grado encaminado a conocer y comparar las percepciones que poseen las matronas de Jaén y J6nk6ping acerca de sus competencias profesionales, la formación académica recibida, la relación con el equipo de salud, los procedimientos en la atención al parto y el reconocimiento social. Metodológicamente es una investigación cualitativa fenomenológica y descriptiva, fundamentada en entrevistas individuales en profundidad a matronas del Complejo Hospitalario de Jaén y del Lanssjukhuset Ryhov de J6nk6ping. Como conclusiones encontramos que las competencias profesionales son conocidas por parte de las matronas jiennenses mientras que las de J6nk6ping las desconocen. La relación profesional con el resto del equipo es referida como buena en general, dependiendo de los componentes del grupo según las matronas de Jaén. La atención al parto es parecida por parte de ambos grupos, mostrándose más naturistas las matronas suecas. Por último, ambas se sienten bien reconocidas a nivel social, expresando tener un sueldo muy bajo como signo de carencia de reconocimiento profesional.
[EN] The main objective of this final degree work is to determine and compare the perceptions that midwives from Jaén and J6nk6ping have about their professional competences, received education, health care team relationship, procedures in labour care and social recognition. Research with qualitative and descriptive methodology and phenomenological path, based on individual and depth interviews to midwives of the Hospital of Jaén and Lanssjukhuset Ryhov in J6nk6ping. To conclude, this project shows that professional competences are known by the midwives of Jaén, whereas that Jonkoping's midwives don't know them.The professional relationship with the rest of the team is referred as good overall, depending on the components of the group for the midwives of Jaén. Delivery care is similar in both groups, being Swedish midwives more naturist. Finally, both feel socially recognized, expressing the low salary as a sign of lack of professional recognition.
[EN] The main objective of this final degree work is to determine and compare the perceptions that midwives from Jaén and J6nk6ping have about their professional competences, received education, health care team relationship, procedures in labour care and social recognition. Research with qualitative and descriptive methodology and phenomenological path, based on individual and depth interviews to midwives of the Hospital of Jaén and Lanssjukhuset Ryhov in J6nk6ping. To conclude, this project shows that professional competences are known by the midwives of Jaén, whereas that Jonkoping's midwives don't know them.The professional relationship with the rest of the team is referred as good overall, depending on the components of the group for the midwives of Jaén. Delivery care is similar in both groups, being Swedish midwives more naturist. Finally, both feel socially recognized, expressing the low salary as a sign of lack of professional recognition.