Línea eléctrica de media tensión y centro de transformación para suministro al Castillo Torre Benzalá en Torredonjimeno
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[es] El objetivo del proyecto es diseñar y calcular una línea aérea de 20 kV (Media Tensión), y un centro de transformación de intemperie compacto bajo poste de 100 kVA, que se destinará a abastecer de electricidad un museo que se construirá en una zona rural a unos 11 km del municipio de Torredonjimeno, a unos 600 m del Castillo de Benzalá.
El uso de esta línea será para dotar de energía eléctrica al museo que se situará en el cerro Ben-Zala, en Torredonjimeno. Para ello se diseñará y proyectará tanto el centro de transformación como la línea que lo conecta a la red.
[en] The objective of the project is to design and calculate a 20 kV (Medium Voltage) overhead line, and a compact outdoor transformation center under a 100 kVA pole, which will be used to supply electricity to a museum that will be built in a rural area at about 11 km from the municipality of Torredonjimeno, about 600 m from the Castle of Benzalá. The use of this line will be to provide electricity to the museum that will be located on the Ben-Zala hill, in Torredonjimeno. For this, both the transformation center and the line that connects it to the network will be designed and projected.
[en] The objective of the project is to design and calculate a 20 kV (Medium Voltage) overhead line, and a compact outdoor transformation center under a 100 kVA pole, which will be used to supply electricity to a museum that will be built in a rural area at about 11 km from the municipality of Torredonjimeno, about 600 m from the Castle of Benzalá. The use of this line will be to provide electricity to the museum that will be located on the Ben-Zala hill, in Torredonjimeno. For this, both the transformation center and the line that connects it to the network will be designed and projected.