Régimen jurídico del dominio público radioeléctrico
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] El sector de las telecomunicaciones es uno de los sectores más
dinámicos de la economía y uno de los que más contribuyen al
crecimiento, la productividad, el empleo, y, por todo esto,
contribuye al desarrollo económico.
A través del dominio público, tanto el Estado como los
Ayuntamientos, reciben unos mgresos en forma de tasa de
aquellos operadores que utilizan este dominio público
radioeléctrico al igual que un quiosco en vía pública debe abonar
por el hecho de estar ubicado en esa zona.
Dependiendo del uso que se de del dominio público se encontrará
el uso común, el uso común, uso especial o uso privativo, y cada
uno conllevará la necesidad de disponer o no de un determinado
tipo de autorización.
Telefónica será un claro ejemplo de lo que representa esta tasa
para el Estado y los Ayuntamientos.
[EN] The telecommunications sector is one of the most dynamic sectors of the economy and one of those that contribute the most to growth, productivity, employment, and, for all this, contributes to economic development. Through the public domain, both the State and the City Councils receive an income in the form of a fee from those operators that use this radioelectric public domain, just as a kiosk on public roads must pay for the fact that it is located in that area. Depending on the use of the public domain you will find common use, common use, special use or prívate use, and each will entail the need to have or not a certain type of authorization. Telefónica will be a clear example of what this rate represents for the State and City Councils.
[EN] The telecommunications sector is one of the most dynamic sectors of the economy and one of those that contribute the most to growth, productivity, employment, and, for all this, contributes to economic development. Through the public domain, both the State and the City Councils receive an income in the form of a fee from those operators that use this radioelectric public domain, just as a kiosk on public roads must pay for the fact that it is located in that area. Depending on the use of the public domain you will find common use, common use, special use or prívate use, and each will entail the need to have or not a certain type of authorization. Telefónica will be a clear example of what this rate represents for the State and City Councils.