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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Una buena gestión de recursos humanos por parte de las empresas
permite a estas atraer y retener el talento personal redundando en su
beneficio. Considerando la impmiancia de esta gestión, hemos centrado
nuestra atención en conocer las empresas mejor valoradas en cuanto a la
mJSma. Con este fin nos dirigimos a Merco Talento, monitor
multistakeholder que proporciona un ranking con las compafiías con
mejor valoración de su gestión de recursos humanos,procedente de las
opiniones de distintos grupos de interés vinculados a esta área.
Analizamos la metodología llevada a cabo por este instrumento de
medición,pudiendo conocer aquellos aspectos de las organ1zac1ones
empresariales determinantes de la calidad de la gestión del capital
humano y que permiten su evaluación.
[EN] A good management of human resources by companies allows them to attract and retain personal talen! resulting in their benefit. Regarding the impmiance of this management, we have focused our attention on knowing the bes! valued companies in terms of it. To this aim, we turn to Merco Talento, a multistakeholder monitor that provides a ranking of the compames with the bes! assessment of their human resources management, drawn from the opinions of different interest groups linked to this area. We analyze the methodology carried out by this mcasurement instrument, being able to know !hose aspects of business organizations that determine the quality of human capital management and that allow its evaluation.
[EN] A good management of human resources by companies allows them to attract and retain personal talen! resulting in their benefit. Regarding the impmiance of this management, we have focused our attention on knowing the bes! valued companies in terms of it. To this aim, we turn to Merco Talento, a multistakeholder monitor that provides a ranking of the compames with the bes! assessment of their human resources management, drawn from the opinions of different interest groups linked to this area. We analyze the methodology carried out by this mcasurement instrument, being able to know !hose aspects of business organizations that determine the quality of human capital management and that allow its evaluation.