Plan de cuidados en paciente con cáncer de próstata metastático.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]El cáncer de próstata metastásico en un estado avanzado tiene una morbilidad muy elevada; se ha demostrado que la administración de algunos fármacos puede detener la metástasis y reducir el dolor, pero en este estadio tiene muy mal
pronóstico. El objetivo de este estudio fue elaborar un plan de cuidados en un paciente varón de 69 años con cáncer de
próstata metastásico en estado avanzado, que estaba siendo tratado en régimen ambulatorio. El plan de cuidados fue elaborado según el lenguaje estandarizado NANDA, NOC, NIC y el modelo teórico de Virginia Henderson para la
valoración de las necesidades. El plan de cuidados que presentamos permitió, gracias a la comunicación entre los miembros del equipo, que el paciente tras recibir toda la información de su proceso de enfermedad y pronóstico , manifestara su voluntad y pudiera llegar a la etapa final de su vida sin dolor y arropado por su familia .
[EN] Metastatic prostate cancer in an advanced state has a very high morbidity, they have shown that the administration of sorne drugs can stop metastas1s and reduce pain, but at this stage has a very poor prognosis. The objective ofthis study was to develop a plan of care in a patient 69 year old man with metastatic prostate cancer in an advanced stage, which was being treated as outpatients. The care plan was developed according to the standardized language NANDA, NOC, NIC and the theoretical model of Virginia Henderson for assessing needs. The plan of care that we present allowed , through communication between team members, the patient after receiving all the information in their disease process and prognosis, express its will and could reach the final stage of its life painless and supported by his family.
[EN] Metastatic prostate cancer in an advanced state has a very high morbidity, they have shown that the administration of sorne drugs can stop metastas1s and reduce pain, but at this stage has a very poor prognosis. The objective ofthis study was to develop a plan of care in a patient 69 year old man with metastatic prostate cancer in an advanced stage, which was being treated as outpatients. The care plan was developed according to the standardized language NANDA, NOC, NIC and the theoretical model of Virginia Henderson for assessing needs. The plan of care that we present allowed , through communication between team members, the patient after receiving all the information in their disease process and prognosis, express its will and could reach the final stage of its life painless and supported by his family.