Internacionalización: empresa familiar y el aceite de oliva. Una aplicación práctica.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]La empresa familiar, con independencia de su tamaño, tiene un gran impacto en la economía y reviste especial importancia tanto a nivel nacional como internacional, contribuyendo a un empleo estable y generando un PIB considerable. Este tipo de empresas revisten unas características propias que le otorgan ventajas competitivas y a la vez incentivan su internacionalización, eligiendo una estrategia adecuada que le permita ir introduciéndose en el mercado exterior. Sin embargo, son empresas adversas al riesgo, por lo que muchas de ellas encontrarán alicientes para rechazar su internacionalización. No obstante, cuando una empresa familiar decide internacionalizarse lo hace porque encuentra más ventajas que inconvenientes. Caso que podría darse con las empresas oleícolas familiares, ya que el aceite de oliva tiene gran importancia no sólo dentro de España y en concreto Andalucía, sino también a nivel mundial y está altamente demandado por considerarse un alimento saludable. Por ello, se simula una estrategia de internacionalización para dos empresas oleícolas familiares de Linares (Jaén) para introducirse en el mercado chino, aprovechando las oportunidades que éste les ofrece.
[EN] Family business, whatever its dimension is, has a huge impact on economy and counts on special importance at both, national and international levels, leading to stable employment and generating a considerable GDP. This kind of businesses are made of some specific characteristics which give them competitive advantages, at the same time that their internationalization is fostered, choosing a proper strategy which allow them to participate in foreign markets. Nevertheless, familiar businesses are adverse to risks, so many of them will find enough reasons to reject their internationalization. Anyway, the fact of becoming international is carried out because the business has identified more advantages than disadvantages. This case would be common when dealing with family oil businesses, given that olive oil is highly important not only in Spain and, in Andalusia, but also worldwide, being a demanded product for its healthy properties. This is why an internationalization strategy is boosted by two family business in Linares (Jaen) in order to enter the Chinese market, taking advantage of the opportunities it offers.
[EN] Family business, whatever its dimension is, has a huge impact on economy and counts on special importance at both, national and international levels, leading to stable employment and generating a considerable GDP. This kind of businesses are made of some specific characteristics which give them competitive advantages, at the same time that their internationalization is fostered, choosing a proper strategy which allow them to participate in foreign markets. Nevertheless, familiar businesses are adverse to risks, so many of them will find enough reasons to reject their internationalization. Anyway, the fact of becoming international is carried out because the business has identified more advantages than disadvantages. This case would be common when dealing with family oil businesses, given that olive oil is highly important not only in Spain and, in Andalusia, but also worldwide, being a demanded product for its healthy properties. This is why an internationalization strategy is boosted by two family business in Linares (Jaen) in order to enter the Chinese market, taking advantage of the opportunities it offers.