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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Cuando se habla del Impuesto sobre el Valor Añadido (o IVA), es importante hacer
referencia al régimen definitivo, diseñado en una Europa sin fronteras fiscales, en el que la
tributación se va a llevar a cabo en el lugar de la venta y no en el lugar de destino. Con este
sistema, el objetivo era no gravar cada entrada de las mercancías en cada Estado miembro de
la Unión Europea cuando dichos bienes proceden de otros países Comunitarios que cumplan
los requisitos, procediendo a la deducción de las cuotas del impuesto en el país receptor. Pero
hoy en día, el IVA se encuentra en un régimen transitorio en el que la tributación se lleva a
cabo en el lugar de destino, en lugar de en el punto de venta, generando numerosas críticas.
[EN] When talking about the Value Added Tax (or VAT) it’s important to refer to the definitive arrangement, designed in a Europe without fiscal frontiers, where taxation will be carried in the point of sale and not in the destination place. With this system, the purpose was to not tax every input of goods on each member state of the European Union when those goods came from other community countries that meet the requirements, proceeding to deduction of the amounts of tax in the recipient country. But nowadays, the VAT is in a transitional arrangement, where taxation is carried in the destination place instead of in the point of sale causing numerous reviews.
[EN] When talking about the Value Added Tax (or VAT) it’s important to refer to the definitive arrangement, designed in a Europe without fiscal frontiers, where taxation will be carried in the point of sale and not in the destination place. With this system, the purpose was to not tax every input of goods on each member state of the European Union when those goods came from other community countries that meet the requirements, proceeding to deduction of the amounts of tax in the recipient country. But nowadays, the VAT is in a transitional arrangement, where taxation is carried in the destination place instead of in the point of sale causing numerous reviews.