Inferencia espacial de fortificaciones en la provincia de Jaén
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
En este Trabajo Fin de Máster (TFM), se tratará de aplicar técnicas de inferencia deterministas para la localización de nuevos elementos y fortalezas militares dentro de la provincia de Jaén mediante el estudio de una serie de parámetros generales y de información abierta. Estos parámetros definirán zonas donde actualmente podemos encontrar alguna de esas fortalezas militares y a partir de esa Información, deducir la situación de otras fortalezas desaparecidas por cualquier causa. Las técnicas de inferencia para la determinación de algún elemento del territorio a partir de las características de otros elementos conocidos son un área poco aplicada como tal en los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG). Sin embargo, es un campo de amplio desarrollo tanto desde el punto de vista de los sistemas generales de clasificación como técnicas más modernas. Para llevar a cabo este proceso, se aplicarán metodologías basadas en Diseños de Experimentos (DoE) definiendo claramente los objetivos, los parámetros de entradas y las diferentes muestras para su posterior aplicación.
In this Final Master's Project, we will try to apply deterministic inference techniques for the location of new elements, military fortresses, within the province of Jaén by studying a series of general parameters and open information. These parameters will define areas where we can currently find some of these military fortresses and, based on that information, deduce the situation of other fortresses that have disappeared for whatever reason. Inference techniques for the determination of some element of the territory from the characteristics of other known elements are a little area applied as such in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). However, it is a broad field of development both from the point of view of general classification systems and more modern techniques such as Deep Learning procedures. To carry out this process, methodologies based on Designs of Experiments (DoE) will be used, clearly defining the objectives, the input parameters and the different samples for their subsequent application.
In this Final Master's Project, we will try to apply deterministic inference techniques for the location of new elements, military fortresses, within the province of Jaén by studying a series of general parameters and open information. These parameters will define areas where we can currently find some of these military fortresses and, based on that information, deduce the situation of other fortresses that have disappeared for whatever reason. Inference techniques for the determination of some element of the territory from the characteristics of other known elements are a little area applied as such in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). However, it is a broad field of development both from the point of view of general classification systems and more modern techniques such as Deep Learning procedures. To carry out this process, methodologies based on Designs of Experiments (DoE) will be used, clearly defining the objectives, the input parameters and the different samples for their subsequent application.