Recomendaciones sobre tratamiento local y nutrición en úlceras por presión
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]Esta revisión bibliográfica pretende reunir las recomendaciones más actuales acerca del tratamiento local de
las úlceras por presión a través del modelo TIME y de la nutrición en la cicatrización de las heridas crónicas.
He identificado un total de 32 documentos relacionados con el tema escogido en diversas fuentes de
información, de los cuales 25 tratan sobre tratamiento local de úlceras por presión y solo 7 abordan el tema de
Los resultados reúnen las pautas de actuación de las cuatro fases del método TIME y la importancia de las
mismas: Control del tejido no viable mediante la limpieza y el desbridamiento; control de la inflamación o
infección aumentando la limpieza y desbridamiento y utilizando antisépticos y antibióticos; control del
exudado a través de productos locales y estimulación de los bordes epiteliales.
Hay estudios que demuestran que un buen estado nutricional en un paciente con riesgo de padecer úlceras por
presión o que las padece, acelera el proceso de cicatrización de las mismas y evita que se produzcan. Por lo
que es muy importante establecer una dieta que cubra las necesidades nutritivas e hídricas de la persona.
[EN] This literature review aims to bring together the latest recommendations for the local treatment of pressure ulcers through model TIME and nutrition in the healing of chronic wounds. I have identified a total of 32 documents related to the theme chosen in various sources, of which 25 deal with local treatment of pressure ulcers and only 7 address the issue of nutrition. The results meet the guidelines for action of the four phases of TIME method and the importance of them: Control of non-viable tissue by cleaning and debridement; control of inflammation or infection increasing cleaning and debridement and using antiseptics and antibiotics; exudate management through local products and stimulation of epithelial edges. Studies show that a good nutritional status of a patient at risk of developing pressure ulcers or who suffers, accelerates the healing process and preventing them from occurring. So it is very important to establish a diet that meets the nutritional and water needs of the person
[EN] This literature review aims to bring together the latest recommendations for the local treatment of pressure ulcers through model TIME and nutrition in the healing of chronic wounds. I have identified a total of 32 documents related to the theme chosen in various sources, of which 25 deal with local treatment of pressure ulcers and only 7 address the issue of nutrition. The results meet the guidelines for action of the four phases of TIME method and the importance of them: Control of non-viable tissue by cleaning and debridement; control of inflammation or infection increasing cleaning and debridement and using antiseptics and antibiotics; exudate management through local products and stimulation of epithelial edges. Studies show that a good nutritional status of a patient at risk of developing pressure ulcers or who suffers, accelerates the healing process and preventing them from occurring. So it is very important to establish a diet that meets the nutritional and water needs of the person
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