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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Se ha informado que el desgaste entre las enfermeras en particular es más alto que el de otros profesionales de la salud debido a la naturaleza de su trabajo. La enfermería requiere la entrega de un cuidado humano, empático, culturalmente sensible, competente y moral, en entornos de trabajo con recursos limitados y responsabilidades cada vez mayores. Este desequilibrio entre proporcionar una atención de alta calidad y hacer frente a entornos laborales estresantes puede conducir al agotamiento. Investigaciones muestran que durante la pandemia de COVID-19, los trabajadores de la salud experimentan angustia psicológica repentina y continua, que incluye miedo, ansiedad, aislamiento y agotamiento. Sin embargo, la literatura actual carece de conocimiento sobre si las enfermeras muestran signos y síntomas de TEPT debido a lo que están experimentando. Objetivos: El objetivo general de este trabajo es brindar información actualmente escasa, en el manejo psicológico de los profesionales de enfermería causado por el estrés laboral. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica, tras la selección minuciosa de artículos y publicaciones científicas, claves para la determinación de estrategias y protocolos a seguir, vinculantes al tema emergente. Conclusiones: Los trabajadores de enfermería se encuentran expuestos a innumerables factores estresores capaces de alterar su estado psicológico y por consiguiente su labor y calidad de este. Es preciso establecer patrones y parámetros del manejo psicológico de los trabajadores de enfermería.
[EN] Attrition among nurses in particular has been reported to be higher than that of other healthcare professionals due to the nature of their work. Nursing requires the delivery of humane, empathetic, culturally sensitive, competent, and moral care in work environments with limited resources and increasing responsibilities. This imbalance between providing high-quality care and dealing with stressful work environments can lead to burnout. Research shows that during the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare workers experience sudden and ongoing psychological distress, including fear, anxiety, isolation, and exhaustion. However, the current literature lacks knowledge on whether nurses show signs and symptoms of PTSD because of what they are experiencing. Objectives: The general objective of this work is to provide currently scarce information on the psychological management of nursing professionals caused by work stress. Materials and methods: A bibliographic review was carried out, after the meticulous selection of articles and scientific publications, keys for the determination of strategies and protocols to follow, binding to the emerging topic. Conclusions: Nursing workers are exposed to innumerable stressors capable of altering their psychological state and consequently their work and its quality. It is necessary to establish patterns and parameters for the psychological management of nursing workers.
[EN] Attrition among nurses in particular has been reported to be higher than that of other healthcare professionals due to the nature of their work. Nursing requires the delivery of humane, empathetic, culturally sensitive, competent, and moral care in work environments with limited resources and increasing responsibilities. This imbalance between providing high-quality care and dealing with stressful work environments can lead to burnout. Research shows that during the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare workers experience sudden and ongoing psychological distress, including fear, anxiety, isolation, and exhaustion. However, the current literature lacks knowledge on whether nurses show signs and symptoms of PTSD because of what they are experiencing. Objectives: The general objective of this work is to provide currently scarce information on the psychological management of nursing professionals caused by work stress. Materials and methods: A bibliographic review was carried out, after the meticulous selection of articles and scientific publications, keys for the determination of strategies and protocols to follow, binding to the emerging topic. Conclusions: Nursing workers are exposed to innumerable stressors capable of altering their psychological state and consequently their work and its quality. It is necessary to establish patterns and parameters for the psychological management of nursing workers.